
Welcome to the Empowering STEM Minds blog! We are a youth-led organization aimed at helping empower the next generation of women in STEM by providing free STEM experiences, female role models, and resources to further technical skills to help build students’ passions.

Empowering STEM Minds was founded in 2023 by two current female junior students. We were very fortunate to have been exposed to various STEM fields at a young age, fostering our love for the fields. Despite this support, we have faced our own obstacles in this journey including not having role models to look up to when exploring different career paths. We understand that this is discouraging for many young girls, so we knew we had to help those who are impacted.

So far, we have been able to host workshops at elementary schools, attend women in STEM expos, host our very own STEM competition, and create over 80 activity kits for local schools’ STEM classes.

We have so many new exciting projects coming up and are so excited to continue spreading our passion for STEM!